See more information on TTS (TTN & TTI) connection integration


See more information on TTS (TTN & TTI) connection integration

Our AtlasLocator platform connects with the Lora The Things Network TTS (TTN & TTI) network through the MQTT protocol. Thanks to this integration you will be able to exploit all the data from your TTS network device (TTN & TTI) on the AtlasLocator website.

You must already have your devices added and working on the platform. The first step for the integration of your TTS (TTN & TTI) device with our platform is the activation of the MQTT protocol, for which you must enter the control console of your TTS (TTN & TTI) device.

Entering the Applications option we will select the application that we want to be compatible with AtlasLocator, without any problem you can add them all if you want.

Accessing the application we will see in the left menu the “Integrations” option and within it “MQTT”.

Within MQTT we must generate the API key that will allow us to connect with the AtlasLocator platform.

We will click on Generate new API Key and a key will be generated which we must copy to use on the platform. This key is one of the 4 parameters that we are going to need.

The 4 parameters that are required in the integration of a TTS device (TTN & TTI) with AtlasLocator are:

– Username: It is seen in the current MQTT screen

– Password (API key): It is seen in the current MQTT screen (we have just generated it)

– Application ID: It is seen on the application selection screen. (One of the previous ones in which we select the application where we are now, is indicated with a red circle in the previous images).

– Device ID: It is seen in the end devices section.

With the four aforementioned data already obtained from the TTS platform (TTN & TTI) we can configure the device in the Atlas Locator platform, in the my devices section.

Initially configuring the protocol and the geographical area where we have registered it on the TTS platform (TTN & TTI).

And then writing in each field the values ​​that we have been taking:



– Username: GENERIC_USER

– Password (API key): GENERIC_PASSWORD

NOTE: When the device is registered on the TTS platform (TTN or TTI), it is best to add it by searching for the brand and model. In the event that it has been added manually, we must define a template (script) for formatting the uplink payload.

My Devices

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