

In this area we will give permissions on the monitoring to other people. We must specify that for this we have previously had to add them as friends, since if they are not our friends on the AtlasLocator platform we will not be able to share the monitoring with them.

When adding a person to share the monitoring with them, we will click on the +

And we add a new permissions management box

In the left box it will show us a list of all our friends:

We will choose among our friends the person with whom we are going to share:

Once the friend has been added, we proceed in the second box to define their permissions.

Clicking on this box will show us a drop-down of the permission levels available in the Atlas Locator platform:

We currently have 2 levels of permissions:

– Administrator: Which has permissions to edit all the monitored fields, create, edit and delete its alarms as well as manage the full sharing permissions.

– Reader: Which has permissions to see all the monitored fields, see its alarms as well as see the sharing permissions. You can only view, you cannot delete, edit or create anything associated with the monitored.

Note: The creator of the monitor always has administrator permissions and no one can ever take them away, not even an administrator.

Once both fields are defined, we will click on the save button to confirm the changes.

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